
Isolated is a point-and-click adventure game, set in a 2D isometric environment and featuring puzzle and mystery elements.

Isolated is a point-and-click adventure game, set in a 2D isometric environment and featuring puzzle and mystery elements. It is a second-year, 32 week-long project as part of my course of study at DigiPen Singapore.

A college dorm room, set in an isometric view. At the bottom, a dialogue is visible. Zoey says: "What in the world..."

About the game

You are a student at College of Ordinary where things aren’t exactly… ordinary. One night, you receive a strange text message from your missing roommate, only to find yourself completely alone on campus.

Explore the school, where mystery lies in every turn, solve puzzles that are built into its very walls. What exactly is the truth behind this facade?

Find clues and solve puzzles as you investigate the strange happenings. Uncovered clues are available in your phone, and pickable items are held in your backpack.

Isolated is created by a multi-disciplinary team of six (4 programmers and 2 game designers) in our custom 2D game engine.

My role

I am the technical lead, as well as gameplay and engine programmer. My contributions include the initial engine architecture and renderer, editor features, game logic, and dialogue system.


A door with some coloured panels attached to it. The player is dragging a purple panel from the backpack inventory on to the door.

In the background, a large, dark library with towering shelves along the walls. In the middle are various tables with lamps, some of which are lit. The player's phone is in the foreground, looking at photos of clues.

An entirely dark room, except for an old CRT television in the middle on the floor showing a blue screen and emitting blue light.


The editor, editing the starting room. To the left, the selected object's components are visible, with some lines of dialogue visible.

The editor, editing one of the library rooms.