Operation Concrete Jungle

Operation Concrete Jungle is a fan-made Rainbow Six: Siege operation based in Thailand, led by @hanjosi and myself.

Operation Concrete Jungle is a fan-made Rainbow Six: Siege operation, led by @hanjosi with contributions from the rest of the team. Set in Thailand, the project includes concepts two new operators, a new map, short stories, and accompanying artwork.

Key art for Operation Concrete Jungle

I designed and developed the website, as well as contributing to artwork, writing, and map design.


The website is a static site, with Jekyll used as the generator. It’s coded from a clean sheet, and does not rely on an existing theme/design.

GitHub is our source code repository, with Azure DevOps providing Continuous Integration, automatically building changes and uploading the site to Azure Blob Storage. The site is fronted by CloudFlare.

Screenshots and artwork samples

Map design: floor plan
Map design: floor plan

Map design: objective concept
Map design: objective concept

Screenshot of home page
Screenshot of home page

Screenshot of operator page
Screenshot of operator page